Metavivor Research And Support Inc

Metavivor Research And Support Inc

1783 Forest Dr # 184, Annapolis, MD, 21401, US

METAvivor is dedicated to the specific fight of women and men living with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. At the time of METAvivor’s founding, no organization was dedicated to funding research for the disease and no patient groups were speaking out about the dearth of stage 4 cancer research. While more and more people have taken up the cry for more stage 4 research, METAvivor remains the sole US organization dedicated to awarding annual stage 4 breast cancer research.

Unique Identification371578088
This nonprofit is also supported in these funds
Christina Zajicek Memorial Fund
2 nonprofits
Christina Zajicek Memorial Fund
On June 19, 2021, Christina Zajicek passed away peacefully in her home in Colorado after a multi-year fight against cancer. Her journey and determination was an inspiration to many. In lieu of flowers, her family is requesting donations on behalf of Christina. As an organization, we encourage everyone who is interested to donate to Metavivor and GiGi's Playhouse. Donations will be matched by the organization as long as an employee has not reached their annual max. Her own words from her obituary created by her family: “You don’t know me yet, but my name is Christina Zajicek. I’m 28 years old, and I am dying. But, here’s the thing. So are you. There’s not enough time in every way you could interpret the statement, so I’ll make this short. You have the most wonderful gift of life and limitless potential to live and love fearlessly. All you want is within your reach; it just takes some action and hard work. In the meantime, love each day. Love each person. Make each day more magical for yourself and the people around you. Make decisions that make you happiest and don’t make decisions based on fear of what could happen, guilt, or the way everyone thinks things should be done. Look up from your phone more often. Feel in perpetual awe of the world because this is pretty damn incredible place filled with endless people to meet and learn from and countless places to explore and experience. Spend more time with people and in nature. Close your eyes and feel the sunlight on your face. Really feel it. Feel the warmth on your forehead and cheeks. Listen to the sound of the wind blowing the trees. Look at someone around you and be incredulous that everyone has come from a series of cells and molecules and good and awful experiences to be alive and be a part of your world at this very moment. Go all in. Whether it’s loving someone so deeply you feel it pulsing in every molecule of your being, investing every dollar you have in a wild dream you have, or making a decision that scares the living shit out of you. Find out what you are most afraid of and do it anyway. Know that all moments of pain will pass. Force yourself to feel so alive that you could swear electricity is literally running through your veins. Everything is infinitely possible and you are right where you need to be. But now you have the remarkable opportunity to be more brave, more honest, more kind, and more alive. Just go out and do it. Even though I am dying, this is not a story about death. It is a story to make you feel alive.”