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#IstandwithUkraine Fund

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$42,235.00 raised of $10,000.00 goal

The goal has been reached! You can still donate to show your support.

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Over the past 6 days Ukraine has been under attack from Russian president Vladimir Putin. If you aren’t familiar with Ukraine’s history, Ukraine has struggled for many years to live as a free and independent country. Many have chosen to #StandWithUkraine against its aggressor. Every day, Ukraine continues to prove how strong they are but supplies are running low. PEAK6, with the support of the PEAK6 DEI Council, would like to acknowledge that we support anyone from PEAK6 who has family struggling with the current humanitarian crisis. In support of this effort, PEAK6 has increased its employee match to 2:1 for all donations given this campaign during the month of March. If you have the means to do so, please think about donating to Razom below.

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#IstandwithUkraine Fund

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